
Hi Everyone! My name is Tom and I am a self-professed foodie. I developed an interest in cooking (and eating) at an early age while watching my grandparents and mom. Growing up, I was exposed to many amazing dishes that took your “tongue on a sleigh ride!”

From the pasta dishes to the soups and desserts (I’m not big on dessert, I prefer another meatball), there was always something good to eat. In addition to many recipes passed down from family members, I love scouring cookbooks that contain recipes from different regions in Italy. 

Friends and family have told me for years that I “missed my calling” to be a chef and own a restaurant. I don’t know about that but I do enjoy cooking for them. 

After many compliments regarding my lasagna I decided to give it a shot and start a small business. I plan to start with a limited menu and try out some ideas and see where it takes me.

I believe the best dishes are made using fresh, high quality ingredients. Take a tour of Italy by letting me do the heavy lifting!

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